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Saturday 16 January 2010

Tiger Woods sexnews?

Tiger Woods In SEX REHAB? Arizona Clinic Hosting Golfer, Sources Say

Tiger Woods has checked into an Arizona sex rehab clinic, sources tell both People and X17. Both articles say that the rehab center is called The Meadows, a Wickenburg, Ariz. clinic, which claims on its website to "provide a path to personal completeness and integrity, for those seeking treatment for trauma and addictions."

One of the facility's offerings is Dakota, which promises "Extended Care for Sexual Recovery." The clinic "works with clients to sustain sexual sobriety by facilitating the healing of core issues."

According to one of X17's sources, everyone at the clinic is forced to wear a colored nametag that identifies their addiction. "Sex addicts wear either blue or red and they [are] not allowed to fraternize with members of the opposite sex," the source said.
X17 reported in late December that Woods was in an Arizona sex rehab clinic. Earlier in December, another report claimed Woods entered rehab in Arizona for "sexual compulsion.

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